If you are new (or returning) to our parish, our community, and/or our website, we welcome you. We hope you’ll find that our churches are filled with smiling faces, warm and faithful people, and an open spot in our pews, saved just for you.
Situated in historic Salem, MA, our parish has embraced the mission of offering hospitality and healing to all, as our main channels of evangelization. As a parish, we strive to reach out to those who are dis- or un-affiliated from church and to form our parishioners to be missionary disciples.
Join us for Mass or for any of the programs or events we offer to help you grow deeper in faith and friendship with Jesus.
MQOA’s Discipleship Pathway is a spiritual growth strategy designed to help adults, at whatever stage of faith, to constantly progress toward the lives of discipleship.
Si eres nuevo (o regresas) a nuestra parroquia, nuestra comunidad y/o nuestro sitio web, te damos la bienvenida. Esperamos que encuentre que nuestras iglesias están llenas de rostros sonrientes, gente cálida y fiel, y un lugar abierto en nuestros bancos, guardado sólo para usted.
Situada en la histórica Salem, MA, nuestra parroquia ha abrazado la misión de ofrecer hospitalidad y sanación a todos, como nuestros principales canales de evangelización. Como parroquia, nos esforzamos por llegar a aquellos que son dis- o no afiliados de la iglesia y para formar a nuestros feligreses a ser discípulos misioneros.
Únase a nosotros para la Misa o para cualquiera de los programas o eventos que ofrecemos para ayudarle a crecer más profundamente en la fe y la amistad con Jesús.
El Camino del Discipulado de MQOA es una estrategia de crecimiento espiritual diseñada para ayudar a los adultos, en cualquier etapa de la fe, a progresar constantemente hacia la vida del discipulado.
If you have ever wanted to be a part of the MQOA Community or are interested in hearing more about what we have to offer, we would love to connect with you. Please fill this out and a staff member will be in touch soon.
Si alguna vez has querido formar parte de la Comunidad MQOA o estás interesado en saber más sobre lo que ofrecemos, nos encantaría conectar contigo. Por favor, rellene este formulario y un miembro del personal se pondrá en contacto pronto.
Si alguna vez has querido formar parte de la Comunidad MQOA o estás interesado en saber más sobre lo que podemos ofrecerte, nos encantaría ponernos en contacto contigo. Por favor, rellene este formulario y un miembro del personal se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve.
Si alguna vez has querido formar parte de la Comunidad MQOA o estás interesado en saber más sobre lo que ofrecemos, nos encantaría conectar contigo. Por favor, rellene este formulario y un miembro del personal se pondrá en contacto pronto.
Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next?
If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, there's a place for you.
"A time to reconnect with the spirit and community." - Alpha Online Guest
Alpha es una serie de conversaciones sobre cosas que todos nos cuestionamos en la vida: ¿Por qué le pasan cosas malas a la gente buena? ¿Cuál es el propósito de la vida? ¿Cuál es el futuro?
Si buscas un espacio libre de juicios para plantear preguntas difíciles y compartir tu propia opinión, hay un lugar para ti.
"This is the mission of the Church: the Church heals, it cures. Sometimes, I speak of the Church as if it were a field hospital. It's true: there are many, many wounded! So many people need their wounds healed! This is the mission of the Church: to heal the wounds of the heart, to open doors, to free people, to say that God is good, God forgives all, God is the Father, God is affectionate, God always waits for us." - Pope Francis
With this, healing and evangelization are at the core of the mission of our parish. We offer many paths to healing and reconciliation, all rooted in the Gospel.
Brought to MQOA by Fr. Murray, Unbound (The Five Keys) is a safe, loving, and effective prayer model that helps people deeply embrace the Good News of the Gospel. In these hour-long prayer sessions, the person is guided to make five prayerful responses to Jesus that release the power of the Gospel into their hearts. Each key helps to access God's grace and unlock the door to freedom from sin and emotional bondage. Those who have experienced this, especially at MQOA, testify to the life-changing healing that follows.
The Pre-Marriage & Marriage Course, from the team that brought us Alpha. The Pre-Marriage Course is a series of five sessions and The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, both designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong relationship/marriage.
“There’s no counseling, no airing of dirty linen in public, no group therapy – and it seems to work.”
-The Guardian
Conversation, testimony, and teaching help you to grow and deepen your prayer life through the Lord's Prayer.
Root is a foundational catechetical experience focusing on the Creed for children, teens, and parents, with age appropriate content for each. Over the course, families will grow into a deeper understanding of our faith as they are led through the contents of the first part of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Sundays during Lent
The RCIA, which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is a process through which non-baptized men and women enter the Catholic Church. It includes several stages marked by study, prayer, and rites at Mass.
In 1 Peter 4:10, we are told that God has given each of us special gifts and calls us to use them to serve one another. To find out what God has given you, we would like to invite you to take the Spiritual Gifts Discovery Assessment. When you take this assessment online, your results will go into our system so that we can help you make the connection between your gifts and areas of service in our ministry.
"God has given you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." - 1 Peter 4:10
MQOA continues to grow and create new ministries using the gifts that God has given you. Take this quick survey to join a ministry that bests fulfill your gifts.