I am writing this email between the Easter Masses and I do not know what makes this year different but I am really feeling the Holy Spirit this Easter! (but it could be the lack of sleep lol) Over this Holy Week, I witnessed Kim, Rowan Chelsea, Tammie, Adie & Thatcher welcome the Holy Spirit into their lives and come into full communion with the Church.
This day we celebrate the heart of the truth of our faith. The truth is that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ and that changes everything in our lives and of those who believe in Jesus. The agony in the Garden and the final days of deceit, lies, treachery, and murderous violence have been transformed into the joy of the resurrection and the message of God’s peace, a peace that cannot be taken from us, is now given as an act of love and forgiveness for all creation.
Volunteers from the St. Vincent de Paul Society spread joy and hope this past weekend delivering flowers to our beloved homebound parishioners, wishing them a blessed and holy Easter season.
The Director of Hispanic Ministries works collaboratively with our clergy, pastoral staff, and leadership teams to engage Latino youth, young adults, and families with children in the life of the Church, forming them as disciples. Situated in historic Salem, MA, our parish has embraced the mission of offering hospitality and healing to all, as our main channels of evangelization. As a parish, we strive to reach out to those who are dis- or un-affiliated from church and to form our parishioners to be missionary disciples. We strive to be a parish that ministers in person and online. Our candidate must be proficient in using technology tools to minister online as in person. MQOA’s discipleship pathway is a spiritual growth strategy designed to help adults, at whatever their stage of faith, to constantly progress toward lives of discipleship. The primary responsibility is to adapt the MQOA Discipleship Path to families with children and youth, and young adults, developing our parish’s platform for outreach and engagement online. MQOA serves a large population of Hispanics, primarily from the Dominican Republic.
Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish in Salem is currently looking for a part-time Director of Music to join their team. The Director of Music’s primary responsibility is to plan and conduct ministry-based music programs in support of liturgical services, and parish programs, and as an accompanist as required. Sundays and bi-weekly staff meetings are required.
This week we enter the holiest week of our faith. The week begins today as we remember the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. One of the common themes in all the Holy Week services is the processions. We are a people on a journey to Jesus and the reign of God and it is reflected in our liturgies all this week.
Next week, at all our Easter Masses, our only collection will be to support the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests in good standing throughout the Archdiocese of Boston.
As we serve at Sunday, Daily, and Holy Day Masses in our roles from Altar Server and Lector to Eucharist Minister, we are all called to be welcoming to our guests, visitors, and parishioners. It is part of our mission here at MQOA to welcome everyone who walks through our doors and into a holy, peaceful, and healing space. We want to get to know them over time, build trust, and invite them into a relationship with Jesus. This takes time but it starts with a simple hello and a smile.
The Triduum, also known as the Paschal Triduum or the Easter Triduum, is a three-day liturgical period in the Roman Catholic Church that commemorates the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It begins on the evening of Holy Thursday and concludes on the evening of Easter Sunday.
The fifth Sunday of Lent reminds us of the importance of starting over and recognizing that something new must begin. In the readings today, there is a sense that God, in the Hebrew Scriptures, is going in a new direction with the Jewish people. What God has learned; we know too.