This week, we begin the mass change on Sunday, and we hope for everyone’s sake it is a good experience. Some changes are more difficult than others, but I think this is one that we will all be able to see works best for the whole community.
Families seeking sacraments for their loved ones can begin the process by scheduling an intake meeting with Steven (English) or Charlie (Spanish). We will continuously enroll new families for Baptism (up to age 7), First Communion (age 7 & up), and Confirmation (14 and up) throughout the year. Learn More at
El Tiempo de La Creación comenzó el 1ero de septiembre durante la Jornada Mundial de Oración por el Cuidado de la Creación y durará hasta el 4 de octubre, Fiesta de San Francisco de Asís, patrón de la ecología y amado por los cristianos de todo el mundo.
Just two weeks ago, we heard a portion of this Gospel and the important message that week we read about and include again. The notion of binding and loosing really is about forgiveness and community. In the ten commandments and the commentary the Rabbis, scholars and teachers made about them was about living in relationship with God and his people. We are to recognize that there are patterns that we must preserve our relationship with God and others.
“Please, let us not convert the church into a customs office” where only the “just,” “good,” and “properly married” can enter while leaving everyone else outside, he said. “No. The church is not that,” he said, rather it is a place for “righteous and sinners, good and bad, everyone, everyone, everyone.”
On September 1st the Season of Creation begins which runs until October 4th the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology and beloved by Christians around the world.