I remember as a young man, I was trained in Sales techniques for door-to-door sales (encyclopedias). One of the techniques was to welcome myself in a way that led to being invited into the house. It was a way to start the conversation. I didn’t sell many sets, but I I learned the importance of getting a start to a conversation.
We are now in Ordinary Time and with it comes all the ordinary stuff of our faith. It means we can focus on all the things that help us to learn about, express, and practice our faith. In the last few weeks, we have been hearing from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. At another parish I served at, a lector had the practice of saying, “A reading from the letter of Paul, John etc.,” (like we all do), then added, “and to us.” It was a nice reminder that God’s word is shared across time, languages, and cultures.
I had a friend in college who was a Franciscan Brother. One day he came back from retreat with a group of nuns, doing impressions of their dour singing in a whiny voice: “Whyyyyy am I aliiiiiiive? Whyyyyy do I exiiiiiiiissst? Alllll forrrr Jeeeeeesussss!” I can still hear him singing it now, and it still makes me laugh. In this Sunday’s Gospel reading we hear Jesus’ answer to why He’s alive, why He exists. You may find it surprising, even if it’s a reading you’ve heard roughly 600 times. Does Jesus’ self-identified mission match what you were taught about him? I pray blessings on your conversation this week. Enjoy!
Happy New Year! And, welcome to Ordinary Time, where we begin at week 2, with Jesus’s first (recorded) miracle, at the wedding. I hope you have great conversations with this Gospel, and see new things (or old things in new ways) in the text. I recommend a nice red with this one; a cabernet or chianti.
First, thank you for your prayers and your kind messages about my Dad. My family and I are feeling this loss keenly but at the same time, we are so grateful for the kindness of the people around us, and I so appreciate you all.