Here’s this coming Sunday’s Beta lesson; this week the crowds following Jesus have some questions and demands. Can you relate (I can!)? I pray you’ll have wonderful conversations! And, please join us (and invite your group members/friends) to join us on Sunday for our online version of Beta, called MQOA Sunday! 10:00 Sundays at or you can download the podcast version.
This reading is one of Jesus’ “greatest hits,” is featured in all four gospels and one you’ve DEFINITELY heard before. We’ve already taped the MQOASunday episode for this Gospel (check it out on our website on Sunday morning at 10!) and had some really fun conversation around it, and as always, I pray you and your group will, too.
Here is this coming Sunday’s Beta. The Gospel is a good one (aren’t they all?); Jesus invites his closest friends to step away for a bit and rest with him, and gets interrupted yet again; waylaid before he can get to his destination by the needs of others and, ultimately, by his own compassion. We hear it in the context of this in-between-time; in the midst of summertime, mid-covid, hurrying our way into an (even more than usual) unknown future. What’s the right response? To rest? Or to let ourselves follow where our interruptions lead us? I hope you have fruitful and beautiful conversations, and that you’ll join us at the end of this week for MQOA Sunday, an online version of Beta with yours truly (and Steven) as your host. We’d love to hear from you!
After last week’s rejection of Jesus from his own hometown kin, this week we hear Jesus send his disciples out two by two, and warns them that they, too, might face some pushback. This week is a great opportunity for beta groups to talk about how God is calling your group members to serve in the world, through some ministry in the Church or in the world. Maybe your whole group is being called to some new way of service together? I pray you’ll have wonderful, fruitful conversations.
I do not know if it because of my age or my skills . . . but I am the "tech" guy at work. I take my role seriously, trying to solve all tech problems around me. This leads to one task of mine - to promote all the great programs on social media and beyond.