Hello Beta leaders! We are approaching Holy Week, and this week’s Beta looks at one of the two Gospel readings from the Palm Sunday Mass. Two things that strike me on Palm Sunday every year are imagining how the disciples felt this week, not knowing what we know about how the story turns out… and, remembering that some of the very people who met Jesus with cheers and praise on Palm Sunday may have also been part of the crowd only days later as He carried His cross. For both groups of onlookers, the disciples and the crowd, this must have been a week of chaos, confusion, and discouragement. Can you relate? It’s tempting to jump over the sadness of Holy Week and go straight to the Good News of Easter, but I encourage you to linger here a bit longer, feeling the feelings of Holy Week, even though we know the “spoilers.” I pray you have wonderful conversations in this in-between moment!
Hello Beta leaders! This week’s Gospel reading is challenging; if you’re like me, it will take you a bit of reading to understand what is happening in this chaotic scene. But the resources this week are SO helpful, and I hope you find them enlightening too. Here are the links for the Sway (online) version, and attached is the formatted Word document. I pray wonderful conversations for your groups this week!
Rejoice! We’re over half way through Lent, and there is good news in the air. What better way to celebrate than with the best Good News? I pray your group will have great conversations over this Gospel. I was really struck by the fact that the last time it came up was around a year ago, and although the scripture hasn’t changed, I’d bet your readers have. I wonder how this year of living will affect your conversations, your prayer, and your faith?