The requirements for Virtus's Protecting God's Children have changed and you might have to attend the most up-to-date training version.
Please check the following scenarios and then go ahead signing up for our next Training in MQOA or any other parish available with a time and date that best fits you in the next 60 days:
If you completed the Virtus PGC for Adults Version 4.0, during the years: 2021,2022, 2023 or 2024
You DO NOT need to repeat it
If you completed the Virtus PGC for Adults Version 3.5 / 3.0 / 2.0 / 1.0, during the years: 2020 or before
You NEEDto repeat it. Require taking Version 4.0.
Any updated ONLINE training taken
It was made at any time
Unacceptable Training.
If your case felt in the option two and/or three, you need to know:
The program VIRTUS has been updated and upgraded numerous times in the last 21 years.
Before 2008, it did not even mention the internet.
Today, the internet is a source of high risk for kids, as people will find and engage youth who don’t even know who they are talking to.
Sexting is a real danger, and social media is a very common initial contact point for those involved in human trafficking.
Today’s PGC strongly focuses on the risks of the internet and how to help keep kids safe.
It represents about one-third of the material we cover in PGC Version 4.0.
Our parish and community are honored to have you, and we always appreciate your willing heart in carrying out your ministry. Remember that you can reach out to me if you have any questions.