In this weekend’s Gospel reading, one I’ve heard and read many, many times, Jesus says that there are two fates for the vines; He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. (John 15:2). I don’t know about you but when I read that this week, it hit me… these are both pretty tough options! On the one hand, we can fail to produce fruit, and risk losing connection to our source of life… and on the other, if we do successfully produce fruit, we’ll be pruned. I don’t know exactly what Jesus meant by that (and I expect it’s different for each of us), I know it sounds painful. But these are the promises of Jesus, tied to our productivity as Christians; cut off, or be pruned. Sometimes I think it might be lovely to just be able to declare myself a Christian and then… get on with my life. But bearing the name of Christ-followers means that we have responsibility to bear fruit in this kingdom; we don’t just have a name, we have a job to do. If we really explore this “fruit” analogy, the fruit of a fruit is a seed, with creates more fruit… which creates more seeds and more fruit. The fruit Jesus is asking us to bear is new disciples, and Jesus is putting the future of the kingdom in our hands. This week, I’ll be praying on these two choices; I certainly never want to be cut off from Jesus, and pruning sounds painful, but I know it’s necessary if I’m willing to take the job of bearing fruit for Jesus. I’m willing to do that, even if it’s painful (and oh, it has been at times!), because knowing the Good News of God’s love for me through Jesus has changed everything for me. It’s Good News indeed, and I’m blessed to be able to spread it like seeds into the lives of people around me. The Church's job is to support these branches, to help them stay connected to the vine, to support the weight of the fruit they bare. MQOA is here to help you grow, and bear fruit.