In a few weeks, my husband and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary. We’ve been married 20 years, and that is amazing, but although this is a landmark year, each and every one has been an important chapter in the story of our marriage.
Every year at this time, we look back. We remember the commitment we made to each other and to God on our wedding day, and we look back to see the path we’ve traveled. We celebrate growth in our relationship and in each other. We marvel at what we’ve learned. We thank God for another year, and ask God for yet another.
This year on Pentecost Sunday (as you’ll read in Fr. Murray’s column this week, too), we’ll invite you to look back over the past year, at your relationship with God. We’ll encourage you, wherever you are, to look back over the past 12 months, and notice where your life has changed because of an encounter with Christ. If you’re with us for Mass online or in person, we’ll ask you to identify yourself as someone whose life has changed for this reason in the past year, and then we will bless you.
It’s our prayer that your life has been changed by God in this year, and that your life is different, and better, because of it. We pray we’ve been a part of that encounter, through our programs or our prayers, and we want to celebrate how the Spirit has been moving in our parish. After all, Pentecost is about the Holy Spirit, about how God moves in our lives, and the effects of that movement.
We hope you’ll take some time this week, that you’ll give it some thought and prayer, and that you’ll join us on Pentecost Sunday to stand up and show that you have been changed this year. We’ll be standing right there with you. We’ll thank God for the year we’ve lived through, and ask for yet another. And if you haven’t seen God changing your life in this past year, we’ll pray for it to happen this year, and we’ll work to give you opportunities to encounter Christ in our parish and beyond.