Of course, the loss of my Dad in December didn’t help, but honestly, my burnout began to creep up on me several months ago.
I’m not unusual. The number of Mainline Protestant pastors who have begun to consider quitting is skyrocketing, and clergy burnout is a real issue in these endlessly stressful time of pandemic. I don’t fit those labels (or, I guess, they don’t fit me) but, at the beginning of my 9th year of serving in this parish and 27th year of full time parish ministry, the reality is that I’m feeling it too.
So I’ll be taking some time away, to care for my soul. I count on your prayers for my healing and I hope you know how glad I’ll be to be back with you at the end of this time away. Let’s keep each other, and all the pastoral staff and clergy out there (and everyone else) who are experiencing burnout, in prayer.