I remember as a young man, I was trained in Sales techniques for door-to-door sales (encyclopedias). One of the techniques was to welcome myself in a way that led to being invited into the house. It was a way to start the conversation. I didn’t sell many sets, but I I learned the importance of getting a start to a conversation. I also learned to listen so that at the right time I could ask the family to buy a set of books. Today’s Gospel mentions that Jesus asked Peter to borrow his boat to speak to others and that Peter’s simple act of generosity led to a miracle that radically changed the world. The point is this, letting Jesus into our boat (our lives) can cause an enormous change in the direction of our lives. It usually begins with something simple like a prayer, an experience of hospitality or graciousness. Peter’s humble generosity and the miracle of the fish combine to make this scene poignant and powerful, and pattern for all of us.
One central point in this scene is that Peter cooperated with Jesus’s invitation, even though it may have been a little (okay, really) halfhearted. Jesus took him where he was and brought him to see that Jesus was someone from whom we could expect miraculous works. It is also important to note that Peter’s skills as a fisherman, his capacity for hard work and trust that tossing his net into the sea would yield results is another way of introducing the way of evangelization. In many ways this scene is a lot like what we do here as we work with people in Alpha, the Beta groups, the healing ministries or welcome people at mass. Peter’s experience isalso what happens with everyone in the Bible when they encounter God and his Son or the Holy Spirit. They recognize their unworthiness or turn from their sin and embrace the gift of eh presence of God. Grace builds on nature as St. Thomas Aquinas famously said and that is true for all of us.
This week we are invited to let Jesus into our boat. It may change your life, but like Peter and so many it will be from the inside out, i.e. from your heart to your head to your soul.
Father Murray
Building news. Fortunately, as of this writing, we are on a hiatus from building projects and other repairs for the time being. We have been slowly creating a small catering kitchen in the lower church of IC. (no stoves, but a serving area and large microwave.) I hope this will make the area easier to use for food service and hospitality. We are also digging out from a blizzard and I am grateful to Chad, out maintenance man for his hard work.