This week I had lunch with a friend, who was reflecting on the difference between our lives right now, and what they were like a year ago. She said “I never could have guessed that not only would I be wearing a face mask regularly in public, but that I’d have face mask preferences; in this new world, I know which masks fit me, which are more comfortable, and I have different masks for different situations. Year-ago me would not have dreamed it.”
Of course, life has changed for all of us, even in the ways that we “do church.” Parishes all over the world have scrambled to know how to serve their people, even while maintaining distance. Here at MQOA, I am so proud of the advances and adaptations we’ve made in order to be true to our mission, even in a new landscape.
We’ve invested in our presence online, by phone, by mail, and in the liturgy. We’ve brought Mass out of the buildings so that everyone can have access to the Blessed Sacrament, even in their cars, and we’ve worked hard to adapt worship spaces so we can gather as safely as possible. We’ve added equipment, staff, and ministries in the effort to stay connected with our parishioners, while always prioritizing the mission that God has given this parish; to be one of hospitality and healing, centered on the Eucharist and sharing the Good News.
Your prayerful and financial support has made this happen. We are poised, with your help, to reach more people than we ever could before; people who are not ready or able to walk into a sanctuary, who have been wounded and seek healing before joining a parish community, people who need to know that Christ welcomes them
This year, your donations to the Grand Annual will help us continue to prepare for the day our church buildings can be full again. The technological and physical tools your support brings will make our worship spaces, both in-person and online, accessible, welcoming, and places of healing to all.
You are MQOA, and your donations make everything we do here, and in the future, possible.
Peace, Fr. Bob Murray