Last week we wrapped up our 27th and 28th Alpha series. It is a very bittersweet moment. I will have fewer trips to BJ’s Warehouse in the future but I will miss seeing our guests and team each Wednesday. I will miss the great food and catching up with guests and praying with the team. I cannot believe after many and many Alphas, MQOA continues to grow, welcoming more and more people into a personal reflection with Jesus.
In these two series of Alpha, we had the greatest number of young adult guests. We had young couples attend who are preparing for marriage and had enough to make a small group of just young adults. I am a full believer in the Alpha process, our “don’t be weird” motto, and in creating a welcoming space for anyone to come and explore faith. But not just explore faith, but a space to ask their questions and not to be judged. Love them just as they are.
Each week I would take a moment to look around the room when all the small groups were discussing and reflect on the humble beginning we had. From the old St. James school building to the Youth room (conference room) to use all of St. James Hall. Welcoming over 40 people each week. The number of volunteers helping with food in this series alone is more than our first few Alpha teams. We now have Alpha Alumni doing great work for the MQOA and Salem community, with then Chef Christine leading Healing Ministry and now our renewal of Small Groups to Peter leading a parish-wide service weekend to Julie leading Mass Ministries, especially the training of altar services, youth, and adult. Alpha was their start.
Alpha is still the beginning for many. Looking around the room, I cannot wait to see what comes from these Alphas I hope Alpha is the start of many more faithful adults on their own unique faith journeys.
We will take a short break from Alpha to focus on Small Groups but it will be back following Easter in 2023.