For world leaders, that they may work together to care for our common home and the people of the world. We pray to the Lord……………. Lord, hear our prayer.
For those who suffer in the summer’s extreme temperatures, especially the elderly and those who suffer from medical conditions. We pray to the Lord……………. Lord, hear our prayer.
That our communities of faith may always exercise a spirit of hospitality and invitation for those seeking a spiritual home. We pray to the Lord……………. Lord, hear our prayer.
For the sick and those suffering from addictions, that they may receive the healing presence of Christ in their lives. We pray to the Lord……………. Lord, hear our prayer.
For all who have died, especially Paul Alexandre whose funeral we celebrated this past week. 8:30 AM: And for Jeannette & Laurier Soucy, for whom this Mass is being offer. 5:00 PM: And for Maria Tran Thi Duc, for whom this Mass is begin offered. We pray to the Lord……………. Lord, hear our prayer.
That God will hear and grant the prayers we pray for others, especially our Prayer Partners, and those that we hold in the silence of our own hearts We pray to the Lord……………. Lord, hear our prayer.