Today is the day I hope you will indicate your intentions to support the parish by completing commitment forms to our Grateful Discipleship Program. We will inform you in the coming weeks of the total number of commitments received, as well as the percentage of our goal reached. We will also communicate to you the number of families who have requested to join electronic giving, as well as families who have requested to receive monthly reminders as part of our new pledging system. To those of you who have already made your commitment, thank you for your generosity and dedication to MQOA.
The commitments secured during The Grateful Discipleship Program, and sustained for years to come, will be directed toward ensuring the parish's stability and growth potential as we account for the realities of the world today. With all parishioners of MQOA involved in this initiative, our parish’s stability will be strong for generations to come. I look forward to celebrating our progress as a community thanks to your involvement, commitment, and spiritual, material, and financial support. The awaited successful Grateful Discipleship outcome includes:
Thank you all for your love of God and His Church; thank you for being members of MQOA and welcome to the first edition of our Grateful Discipleship Program.