Mother’s Day, when I was a kid, was a simple thing. Every kid I knew had a mother who was engaged in their lives, and each of those mothers received some glue-smeared, heart-shaped construction paper card and barely edible breakfast, and then we all moved on with our lives.
Of course, I know now that this version of childhood, of family, is not as normal now as it was in my particular childhood situation (t probably wasn’t very normal then, for all I knew/know). And I know, too, from my own adult experiences, that Mother’s Day can be intense, emotional, and fraught, for a lot of people. Even though my mom died a few years ago, and even as a non-mom myself, I am not triggered terribly by Mother’s Day, but I know many people are. I believe mothers are worth celebrating, and I’ll be happy to pray blessings on Mothers, Mothers-to-be, Mom-figures, Spiritual Mothers… and that’s why I love the blessing Fr. Murray will be reading for all those people attending our Masses this weekend (online and in-person).
On this Mother’s Day in May, which is Mary’s month, we remember that our Blessed Mother was honored above every other human being besides Jesus Himself when she was asked by God to bear His Son. Lord, we ask your blessing on all women, because all women, no matter what their state in life, are specially privileged to bring Christ into the world. Mary is our model in joy and in suffering, in trust and in sorrow. Blessed Mother, intercede for our earthly mothers and for all the women who cared for us. Holy Spirit, increase our love so that we will always honor the women in our lives. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.