Please join us this week in praying for our candidates, and in asking God to give us all that we need and the strength to put out gifts to good use.
This Sunday, Jesus tells what appears to be a tough tale in the Gospel readings. It's one I've struggled with a few times over the years because it doesn't seem fair. The servant who hides his portion so that he doesn't lose it never struck me so much as a sinner, up for condemnation. But one thing I found in preparing this week's Beta was this quote:
The rich man in today’s parable was well aware of the abilities of his servants. Before he set out on his journey he entrusted his property “to each in proportion to his ability.” He knew what each of his three servants was able for, and he only gave as much responsibility to each of them as each could carry. The man who received five talents of money was capable of making five more; the one who received two talents was capable of making two more; the one who received one talent was capable of making one more. The first two servants worked according to their ability. The third servant did not, giving his master back the one talent he had been given, instead of the two talents he was capable of gaining. What held this servant back from working according to his ability was fear. (source)
Well. That puts things in a whole new light, for me. This weekend we will finally celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, for our candidates who were originally meant to receive it on Pentecost Sunday, back in April. Their preparation process for receiving this sacrament has been unusual, to be sure, but the sacrament will have the same effect; a strengthening of the graces of Baptism and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus reminds us that these gifts are not given without a certain amount of faith in the receiver, that they will use these gifts for the glory of God and the good of the world.
Please join us this week in praying for our candidates, and in asking God to give us all that we need and the strength to put out gifts to good use.