This month, we have been celebrating first Communions and this weekend we will be having the sacrament of confirmation. And, we have been baptizing many babies and young children this past year. It is a blessing so many families are coming to these wonderful moments in the lives of their children. One of my favorite parts of celebrating the sacrament of baptism comes at the very end when we say the ‘Our Father’ with our new brother or sister in Jesus Christ. It is a moment which we pray together to God our Father who loves us beyond measure and calls us to pray to Him. This moment is the pinnacle of baptism. Our newest member of the faith joins us in our common prayer--united with us through baptism and united to us in prayer. Another great moment in the sacramental life of the parish is first Communion. Everyone is welcomed to the table of the Eucharist, joining together to be fed this incredible gift of grace. (I still remember my first Communion. Back then we still knelt at the rail and my neighbor, who was an altar server, jammed the paten into my neck when the priest was coming to give me Communion. I also remember getting home with a green stain on my white pants from sliding on grass. My parents were not happy.) Confirmation, which we celebrate this weekend, is the final sacrament of initiation. We are confirming eleven candidates this year. I would like to thank Steven, Charlie, and the parents and sponsors for their efforts in bringing these young people to this moment. We rejoice at the outpouring of the Spirit, and we can visually see that God continues to work among us. Congratulations to all and thanks to everyone who was a part of these celebrations. Speaking of sacraments, after reflection, investigation, and experimentation, I have decided that we will move confessions and adoration to Monday nights. A parishioner has volunteered to come and offer intercessory prayer for the parish, and I want to encourage all to come. Each Monday night, we will expose the Blessed Sacrament and pray for the staff, our programs, and the parishioners most in need of prayer. All are welcome as we gather at 6:30 PM. We will start the first Monday of June. Building news. At this writing, with the help and advice of parishioners who are familiar with grant writing and proposals, I have begun to research local, state, and federal agencies that could help with the repair and restoration of the buildings. This week, we discovered that the electric lines for the garage were compromised and need to be serviced. We also had a visit from the fire department and the fire alarm companies due to a short in the wiring in one of