Alpha is coming. Every parish has the same essential purpose, i.e., to bring souls to Jesus Christ.
Although there are other good methods, and other parishes are using them, the principal mechanism we have chosen to use is the Alpha program. We ask people to experience Alpha as a guest and then be part of the team. Others, once they have finished are invited to join or form Beta groups, which can be a small group that was the table that formed during Alpha or a group coming together to study some aspect of the faith. What we hope for all parishioners, is that they will feel connected and supported in their faith. This seems to be an important trend as we see the world distancing itself from faith and particularly the Christian Faith. We will also need some leaders, those who will be willing to organize the group and assure that there are regular meetings and access to support and materials. During the gifts discernment workshops that Steven hosted in June, there were quite a few people who showed that they had potential as leaders.
There is a wealth of good Catholic material on the church, both printed and online, so we are not concerned about having enough to share when it comes to information. (I am reminded of something our New Testament Professor said at the end of two years of New Testament classes. “Gentleman, you will never exhaust the mystery or meaning of the New Testament Scritures. As you grow older, the parables, the lessons, the challenges of Jesus and the Letters will take on different meaning. Your task is to remember that it is familiar and always fresh for all.” I have found that prophecy to be true. Studying the scriptures and our Faith at any age reveals the love of God, beauty, and wisdom. One of the duties of the Alpha team is to pray for the success of the program and to pray for the guests. Those on the Alpha team need our prayers and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I hope that anyone that knows someone on the team will pray for those who are the Alpha team. Your prayers will be critical for their success. This fall we will be launching our first ever bi-lingual Alpha. All the guests will meet on the same night, have dinner, and then split up for the videos in their own language. Afterward, they will come back for dessert and then have the discussion tables based on language. This will allow us to be a little more intentional about being together for the meetings and to make sure that we are using our resources well. We are looking for volunteers to go to Salem State on the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend to help serve as a move-in assistance team. A few hours or a few students. Anyone with a good back and heart for new students is welcome. Peace, Father Murray
Building news: This week we will have a painter come and start to address the doors at the side entrance. We also will have them do the back doors to the ramp. The parking lot at St. James will be repaired and the company doing the paving will also repaint the areas that were paved over.
We are looking for someone to work part-time as a business manager for the parish. Qualified candidates can speak to Father Murray for more details.