It is now officially wedding season at the parish. Although all year round we welcome couples, the busiest part of the season usually begins after Easter and lasts until the end of September. Although it has been unseasonably cold right now, we still have flowers blooming and the Easter plants and decorations are nice complements to the other flowers and plants the couples bring. It is an exciting and joyful time for us as we celebrate Easter, the Easter sacraments (First Communion and Confirmation and new members in the church), and we have the additional joy of welcoming couples who come with their families and friends to enter into covenants of love with the Lord and one another in the sacrament of marriage. There is a lot of preparation for the big day, and that includes at the church. I am so grateful that we have two wonderful wedding coordinators, Shayne and Andrea, who work with the couples. Each couple is welcomed and offered a rehearsal where we prepare the wedding party for the wedding ceremony. Lectors are rehearsed, gift bearers are instructed, and bridesmaids and other people are given their directions to allow them to help make a beautiful and prayerful event. It is a time in which we can sense the powerful joy that love brings. They try to make sure that every bride has a wonderful and orderly, nerve-free moment as they approach the moment of their marriage vows and blessing prayer.
To us, it is a reminder that we have a beautiful church in a beautiful and historic city. When I first got here, I was advised that I should not do all the weddings that come here, and in truth, there are a lot. However, I have found that some couples have a priest friend or a “family priest” who is willing to accompany them. However, I also think that it is an opportunity to welcome young people back or to the mystery of the church and a moment in which we can evangelize. Looking back at some of the thank you notes and comments reveals that people have felt welcomed, prepared, and cared for on their wedding day. Kudos to all those who directly and remotely prepare for weddings here. Wedding coordinators, musicians, servers, and cleaners, thanks to all of you. At this writing, we have twenty-three weddings scheduled for this year. This month we have four weddings. We are already beginning to schedule weddings for next year and have six for the upcoming year. I hope you will join me in praying for those who are marrying this year, and for those who are preparing for their weddings in the future.
Father Murray
The Catholic Appeal numbers continue to slowly grow. Thanks one and all for your contributions. We have been receiving resumes for the Music director and Hispanic ministry positions that are open in our parish. This is a slow process, but we hope to get the right person.
Building news. With Spring weather right around the corner, we are now getting ready for planting and gardening. Tim Thompson, who has been caring for our lawns will continue, but we can always use an army of people who care for our flowers and plants.
Lorrie Card and Janice Lebel, assisted by their significant others, have done a tremendous job, but are always willing to share the load. If you are a gardener this is your chance to serve God with your green thumb. St. Benedict, the father of monasticism, insisted that every monk, regardless of education or position, tend to part of the gardens in the monastery. Each day, time was (is) set aside to garden as a way of cooperating with God, healing, and humility. All are invited.
The repointing also continues. This coming Friday, the masonry company will erect the scaffolding on the front of the church to begin this part of the project. Much of the work of scraping out the old cement on the chimney and back wall is completed and the new pointing has begun.