Hello Beta leaders! Here’s the Beta for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We’re almost at the halfway mark! Would you and your groups join me this week in praying for our Alpha Day Away this weekend? If there is anyone in your group who would like to join us on Saturday from 9-2:00 on Zoom, please invite them to register, by sharing this week: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SRuir903JkiybnHCbBBDZrMpAGOgSQNGuWrSk0xZqWJUQU43SUVUODRRQ1ZNT09CTUtQOE03TE4xTSQlQCN0PWcu We have been sending out kits to people who’ve registered, but the deadline to get it in the mail has passed so new registrations won’t receive the kit, but the day will still be great!