Hello Beta leaders! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we will not be producing a Beta lesson for next Sunday’s feast of the Epiphany. I’m sorry to say I won’t have time this weekend to write it. And I’m tempted to send you a list of great resources so that you can still read up on the Gospel reading for the feast day, but then again I, even more strongly, feel like I want to encourage you to take a week off. At this time last year, we were mounting outdoor Masses and Fr. Murray, Steven and I found ourselves standing in the rain on Christmas morning giving Communion to anyone who came by looking to receive. At that time, my Dad was in an isolation wing of his nursing home with (thankfully, a-symptomatic) Covid and I, for one, was running on 8 months of adrenaline and worry. This year things are different but still scary, still unpredictable, and still (somehow more?), exhausting. If you’re feeling that too, I give you this week off as a special Christmas gift. I hope you’ll take an hour to catch up on rest, do something great for yourself and your soul, and you and I will come back for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord refreshed and renewed. You are in my prayers of thanksgiving this Christmas, for your willingness to share your gifts and your time, and sometimes even your home, to share the Good News of Jesus in the Gospels, through Beta. All of us at MQOA are so grateful. Merry Christmas!!