I heard an interview this week on the radio with a man who wrote a book about hanging out. He talked about gathering a bunch of friends just to spend time together, but he said that his group started to drift apart after a while, because they didn’t really have anything to do. They were just meeting to hang out, and without some focus, some “excuse for gathering” (which the author calls “the velvet hook”). He realized that they needed a project on which to hang their time and energy. In the end, they decided on a design/building project that they could work on together. Sometimes we need an excuse to gather, a reason to make time together a regular thing, a focus that brings us to the table with our friends. In the Fall, my husband and I attended The Marriage Course, and although we already spend a lot of time together (like a LOT, especially this year!), there was something about having a regularly scheduled night, a particular time to sit down together, and something to talk about that made MC night our favorite night of the week. Alpha, of course, does this too- in fact, we always are amazed that the most important moments in Alpha do not happen during the teaching/informational part of the evening- they happen at the table, where people are intentionally gathering face to face, talking about what they’ve heard. And, here at MQOA, we offer another “excuse” to gather- Beta Groups. At Beta, you and a group of your friends set a time to meet regularly, and the “velvet hook” is a look at the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel reading. Members of our Beta Groups have said that they are learning about scripture in deep ways, and coming to know Jesus better, but also that they have learned so much about their friends through meeting with them regularly around the Beta plans. At MQOA, of course we want everyone to learn about scripture, and encounter Jesus, but we also are so invested in supporting small groups of “faith friends” who can support each other along the journey. The point of Beta is to be Church for each other. If you think this sounds great, I invite you to grab a friend or two (or 6, or 8) and try out Beta. It’s easy, flexible, interesting, and fun. You’ll learn something, find inspiration, and grow in your relationship with your friends and with Jesus. Email me to find out how you can start a Beta Group. Blessings, -