But when the pandemic came, we all had to take a new look at how we lived our lives, including our faith lives. The obligation to attend Mass in person is still lifted, here in the Archdiocese of Boston. At MQOA, as you probably know, we've worked hard to make the Mass available to everyone with our online tools, and we've worked just as hard to make the Eucharist available, safely, for those who seek to receive. We've avoided the use of the word "virtual" because what we do, in prayer, praise and worship, even if it's online- it's actual. Not virtual. God is not "virtually" present where two or three gather, even from different locations.
We use the word "attend" at MQOA because, no matter what way you engage in the Mass with us, God is with you. Attending involves not just showing up, but giving your attendance to. And no matter how you decide to attend Mass with MQOA, we hope you feel our attention to you, and God's intention to fill your life with grace.
See you online, in the parking lot, at Mass!