Okay okay, last time you’ll hear about my 90-day tithing challenge… probably. My 90 days are up, officially, but I can’t shake the experience, and can’t help but notice how it’s affected my life, in unexpected ways.
Like I mentioned last week, giving 10% each week has not made me poorer, financially or… I guess, emotionally. I haven’t felt like I’ve made any noticeable sacrifices to make this happen.
But what has happened is that my gaze and my heart have been widened. I’ve looked at the world in new ways, found excitement in learning how I can be of help in the world, and have learned new things about my community and the things my friends and family do to help out there.
I guess the real change is that I thought tithing was going to be something asked of me, or taken from me… but it’s ended up being something for me. A couple of weeks ago, when the Gospel of the Widow’s Mite came up, I heard Fr. Murray say something like… if you don’t give, consider giving something. If you give sometimes, consider giving consistently. If you give consistently, consider giving sacrificially. When I started this challenge, I thought I was signing up for sacrifice, and have found just the opposite. God’s funny that way.
Thanks again for riding along with me on this tithing journey. Thanks for sharing your stories and your example and witness to how generosity manifests in your life. Thanks for all you do and give to MQOA parish.