A few years ago, my sister gave me a question-a-day journal. Every day I write a quick answer to questions like “How sad are you today, on a scale of 1-10?” “What is the last thing you ate today?” “What are you listening to obsessively?” “What’s your favorite show right now?” It’s a five-year journal, and I’m in year 3 now. It’s interesting, every night, not only to answer the questions but to see what Last Year Margo, and Year Before Last Margo, had to say. Some of my answers have not changed yet “where do you live?” and some, I expect, may never change “do you crave contentment or adventure?” But some have changed quite a bit over the last couple of years; I expect over the next several pages I will start to see evidence in LYM’s answers, of how Covid changed my life around this time last year. It’s interesting to see the differences, but I think it’s also important. Here at MQOA we are about to launch a process that will help us note the changes and differences in our parish as we journey into the future: the Disciple Maker Index. The data from the index will help us know about the people who are engaging with our parish, what percentage of our parishioners are walking the path of discipleship, and where we need to be increasing outreach or support efforts. But I think the process will also be helpful for anyone who takes the index. Answering the questions, I think, will help each survey-taker to see where they are “at” spiritually, where they are growing and where they need support. Our link for the index opens on Ash Wednesday, and will be available for several weeks. I hope you’ll take the survey, and if you find that you need some particular spiritual support or are ready to take some next steps, you’ll let us know. Blessings on your Lent, -Margo