I’ve always thought that summer was my favorite season. I suppose it’s everyone’s favorite season when they’re kids, though; for kids summer means a break, freedom, fun, rest. But now I think it’s Spring. The ironic thing about it is that the reason I love spring so much is that it tells me that summer is coming. I guess over the winter I can forget the details of summer, though, forgetting what it feels like to be warm, to feel the sun on my face, to not have to shield myself from the wind. I forget what it’s like to walk out the door with bare feet, to smell sweetness; I forget how green the green grass really is. And spring reminds me that all that goodness is coming, with little peeks into the future. Every spring we get a peek at the summer to come, and every Lent we try to get a peek at the Easter to come. We gradually hear the readings at Mass change from gloomy and convicting to encouraging and hopeful. We celebrate each Sunday, as Fr. Murray says in his column this week, like a “little Easter,” giving ourselves breaks from our fasts, celebrating temporary feasts. And this week is where that turn is clear; something is changing, something is coming. I hope you’ve had a fruitful Lent so far this year, that you’re seeing signs of hope and growth in your faith, and getting peeks at the Good News that is coming, soon. This week, let’s Laetare; let’s rejoice, because Easter is coming.